is the definitive source for Canada’s open geospatial information.

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6629+ Datasets 40+ Contributors

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In the Spotlight

View of a cityscape next to a body of water.

Flood Mapping

Canadian federal, provincial and territorial government geospatial data providers collaborate to provide tools and resources to help Canadians plan and prepare for floods.

Digitized roads, buildings, forested areas and water overlaying an elevation model in Woodstock, New Brunswick.


Discover the GeoAI Data Series, the time enabled geospatial features created using artificial intelligence (AI).

Permafrost Community

A central hub for permafrost information in Canada. Featuring data and tools from contributing provinces and territories.


Aerial view of mountain range and glaciers en route to Eureka weather station, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut.

Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (Arctic SDI)

Discover Arctic geographic data through this collaborative partner-based effort of the National Mapping Agencies of the Arctic.

Photo of the mineral rutile

Critical Minerals

Canadian geological survey organizations are collaborating to provide tools and resources to help strengthen the supply chains of critical minerals.

A cloudy sky over the ocean and rocky coast and evergreens of Bowen Island, British Columbia

GeoBase Initiative

The GeoBase initiative provides access to, national geospatial foundational data for Canada’s land, water, and infrastructure.

Responding to User Needs

A User Needs Assessment (UNA) for the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) was conducted to understand Canadian user requirements, including those of Indigenous organizations, and curated data products were developed to address them.

Understanding Canada's land from space

Mapping products derived from satellite imagery depict Canada’s vast landscapes, such as land cover, water resources, snow and ice extent, vegetation cover indicators and more.

Foundation Data

Foundation data represents the core features of Canada’s land, water and infrastructure. Discover them here.

Map Gallery

Explore our extensive map gallery. See what’s possible. Reuse what’s already been created. Get inspired. Create and share your own custom map!