
Discover geospatial data and information on Canadian satellite and aerial imagery, such as land cover, topographic maps, imagery, unclassified images, annotations and base maps.

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High Resolution Digital Elevation Model Mosaic (HRDEM Mosaic) - CanElevation Series to display DSM and DTM

Check out the High Resolution Digital Elevation Model Mosaic (HRDEM Mosaic) which displays both DSM and DTM hill shaded layers. Use our swiper plug in to view the difference between the two. Default extent has been set to Vancouver for an interesting view point.

Annual Crop Inventory

Discover Canada’s crops with the Annual Crop Inventory web application, and learn more about the process of deriving these digital maps from satellite imagery.

Land Cover Canada

Unravel Canada’s land cover changes with the Land Cover of Canada map. This map allows users to view land cover changes between 2010, 2015 and 2020. Toggle the visibility of the layers for each year then slide the bar left and right to reveal the changes.

High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) — CanElevation Series

Keep up with the complete coverage of Canada being gradually established using airborne LiDAR data and satellite images. The High Resolution Digital Elevation Model (HRDEM) – CanElevation featured dataset will eventually exhibit full coverage of Canada.

Canada’s Evapotranspiration and Evaporation

Explore land surface evapotranspiration and water surface evaporation over Canada’s landmass.

Canadian Wetland Inventory

This is the third-generation high resolution wetland inventory map of Canada. It was generated using multi-year imagery between 2016 and 2020.

Most accessed imagery data