There is many steps involed in adding a new layer type support to GeoView. This documentation file will explain step by step what needs to be done to accomplish this task. The GeoView layers are divided in 2 different categories Raster and Vector. Both categories are manage by abstract classes (abstract-geoview-raster and abstract-geoview-vector) to encapsulate their behaviours, These 2 categories are also encapsulated in the parent abstract class: abstract-geoview-layers.
TODO: create basic template flavor for creating a new layer type
The first step when it is time to create a new layer type is to determine if it is a raster or a vector type of layer. This selection is driven by the type of OpenLayers sources you will use to instanciate the layer.
For example, we are trying to add a new layer type based on a static image source. When I read the OpenLayers documentation, I can see this source extend the ImageSource. If I continue my investigation I can see this class has raster type of source as subclasses. I now know my new layer type is raster.
I can create my new class, inside the raster folder of the layer structure, image-static.ts by extending AbstractGeoViewRaster class
/** *****************************************************************************************************************************
* A class to add image static layer.
* @exports
* @class ImageStatic
// ******************************************************************************************************************************
export class ImageStatic extends AbstractGeoViewRaster {
To make the link between my new class and the geoview layers hierarchy I need to do the following:
LayerTypeKey, TypeGeoviewLayerType
Go back to my new class… Geoview is developed in TypeScript and uses type guard functions to validate type in order to determine if the type ascention is valid. I uses existing functions in other raster class and adapted them to my own static image need.
export const layerConfigIsImageStatic = (verifyIfLayer: TypeGeoviewLayerConfig): verifyIfLayer is TypeImageStaticLayerConfig => {
return verifyIfLayer?.geoviewLayerType === CONST_LAYER_TYPES.IMAGE_STATIC;
export const geoviewLayerIsImageStatic = (verifyIfGeoViewLayer: AbstractGeoViewLayer): verifyIfGeoViewLayer is ImageStatic => {
return verifyIfGeoViewLayer?.type === CONST_LAYER_TYPES.IMAGE_STATIC;
export const geoviewEntryIsImageStatic = (verifyIfGeoViewEntry: TypeLayerEntryConfig): verifyIfGeoViewEntry is TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig => {
return verifyIfGeoViewEntry?.geoviewRootLayer?.geoviewLayerType === CONST_LAYER_TYPES.IMAGE_STATIC;
The first function verifies if my layer is type of TypeImageStaticLayerConfig
and the last function verifies if my layer entry is type of TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig
These 2 types does not exist in my class yet so I have to create them.
export interface TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig extends Omit<TypeImageLayerEntryConfig, 'source'> {
source: TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig;
export interface TypeImageStaticLayerConfig extends Omit<TypeGeoviewLayerConfig, 'listOfLayerEntryConfig'> {
geoviewLayerType: 'imageStatic';
listOfLayerEntryConfig: TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig[];
TODO: should we reuse constant from abstract class instead of text?
The important variable inside these 2 interfaces is the type of source my new layer class will be using. In this cases, the type does not exist so I need to create it inside map-schema-type. Because my new source is type of sourceImage, I will add it inside TypeSourceImageInitialConfig
/** ******************************************************************************************************************************
* Initial settings for image sources.
export type TypeSourceImageInitialConfig =
| TypeSourceImageWmsInitialConfig
| TypeSourceImageEsriInitialConfig
| TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig;
I will then create this new interface by extending the TypeSourceImageInitialConfig
/** ******************************************************************************************************************************
* Initial settings for static image sources.
export interface TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig extends TypeBaseSourceImageInitialConfig {
/** Image extent */
extent: Extent;
For my static image source, I need projection
and extent
. Because the projection property is already define
in parent type, I only need to create my source with the extent property.
For the moment, my class and my source type are define but I still have an error because I do not have implemented all needed fuctions define in my abstract classes.
protected abstract fetchServiceMetadata(): Promise<void>;
protected abstract validateListOfLayerEntryConfig(listOfLayerEntryConfig: TypeListOfLayerEntryConfig): TypeListOfLayerEntryConfig;
protected abstract processLayerMetadata(layerConfig: TypeLayerEntryConfig): Promise<void>;
protected abstract processOneLayerEntry(layerConfig: AbstractBaseLayerEntryConfig): Promise<BaseLayer | null>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoAtPixel(location: Pixel, layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoAtCoordinate(location: Coordinate, layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoAtLongLat(location: Coordinate, layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoUsingBBox(location: Coordinate[], layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoUsingPolygon(location: Coordinate[], layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFieldDomain(fieldName: string, layerConfig: TypeLayerEntryConfig): null | codedValueType | rangeDomainType;
protected abstract getFieldType(fieldName: string, layerConfig: TypeLayerEntryConfig): 'string' | 'date' | 'number';
Once done I have a valid new static image layer type!
Next step is to add my new class to the loading process inside the layer.ts class. For this I need to
import my new class and add it to the EVENT_NAMES.LAYER.EVENT_ADD_LAYER
switch like this
import { ImageStatic, layerConfigIsImageStatic } from './geoview-layers/raster/image-static';
} else if (layerConfigIsImageStatic(layerConfig)) {
const imageStatic = new ImageStatic(this.mapId, layerConfig);
imageStatic.createGeoViewLayers().then(() => {
} else if (layerConfigIsWFS(layerConfig)) {
My new layer will not load yet because I have validation errors when GeoView tries to validate that the configuration for my new layer is valid. To solve this issue,
I need to start ith our schema.json configuration file. Because we added a new type TypeSourceImageInitialConfig
we need to
add is corresponding definition in our schema.
Add the new layer type
"TypeGeoviewLayerType": {
"type": "string",
"items": {
"enum": ["esriDynamic", "esriFeature", "imageStatic", "GeoJSON", "geoCore", "GeoPackage", "xyzTiles", "ogcFeature", "ogcWfs", "ogcWms"]
"description": "Type of GeoView layer."
Add the TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig section. This the expected configuration for the source of our new layer
"TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig": {
"additionalProperties": false,
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dataAccessPath": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The path to reach the data to display. If not specified, metadatAccessPath will be assigne to it."
"crossOrigin": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer."
"projection": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Spatial Reference EPSG code supported ( We support Web Mercator and Lambert Conical Conform Canada."
"featureInfo": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/TypeFeatureInfoLayerConfig"
"extent": {
"type": "array",
"minItems": 4,
"maxItems": 4,
"items": {
"type": "number"
"description": "The extent of the static image. Called with [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] extent coordinates."
To finish, add our new type to TypeSourceImageInitialConfig
"TypeSourceImageInitialConfig": {
"anyOf": [
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig" }
Finally we need to add configuration calidation our new layer type. All layer configuration are validate at load time. This is done with our config-validation class.
Import the payload function from our layer class
import { geoviewEntryIsImageStatic } from '../../../geo/layer/geoview-layers/raster/image-static';
Then add extra validation
private doExtraValidation(listOfGeoviewLayerConfig?: TypeListOfGeoviewLayerConfig) {
case 'imageStatic':
this.processLayerEntryConfig(geoviewLayerConfig, geoviewLayerConfig, geoviewLayerConfig.listOfLayerEntryConfig);
Lastly create the layer entry config who will be use later in the loading process
private processLayerEntryConfig(rootLayerConfig: TypeGeoviewLayerConfig, parentLayerConfig: TypeGeoviewLayerConfig | TypeLayerGroupEntryConfig, listOfLayerEntryConfig: TypeListOfLayerEntryConfig) {
...} else if (geoviewEntryIsImageStatic(layerConfig)) {
// Value for layerConfig.entryType can only be raster
if (!layerConfig.entryType) layerConfig.entryType = 'raster';
if (!layerConfig.source.dataAccessPath) {
throw new Error(
`source.dataAccessPath on layer entry ${Layer.getLayerPath(layerConfig)} is mandatory for GeoView layer ${
} of type ${rootLayerConfig.geoviewLayerType}`
} else if (geoviewEntryIsXYZTiles(layerConfig)) {...
Now that everything is put in place I can create my configuration to add to one of my existing map
'geoviewLayerId': 'staticLYR10',
'geoviewLayerName': 'Static Image',
'geoviewLayerType': 'imageStatic',
'listOfLayerEntryConfig': [
'layerId': 'thumbnail',
'layerName': 'DataCube',
'source': {
'dataAccessPath': '',,
'extent': [-87.77486341686723,
'projection': 4326