There are multiple ways to load maps on your projects
To see different load configurations, go to our Default Configuration demo page.
To load a map you need to have a script tag that access a live build of the viewer. This repository expose a develop build (below) for anyone to test but we really reccomand to download one of our relese and install the js files on your web server.
<script src=""></script>
You can provide a URL with search parameters for the config properties. This is useful for sharing links of certain configurations. An example link will look like,40&l=en&t=dark&b={id:transport,shaded:false,labeled:true}&i=dynamic&cc=overview-map&keys=12acd145-626a-49eb-b850-0a59c9bc7506,ccc75c12-5acc-4a6a-959f-ef6f621147b9#HLCONF5
z is for zoom level
p is for projection (currently supported values: 3857 and 3978)
c is for center (an array of two elements, represents latitude and longtitude)
l is for language (currently supported values: en, fr)
t is for theme (currently supported values: dark, light)
b is for basemap options (an object with three properties, id, shaded, labeled)
cp is for core packages to be loaded (array of strings) supported values: "time-slider", "swiper", "geochart"
keys is for layer uuid keys (the keys will match keys in the catalog, can be comma seperated)
When the page loads with the provided URL search parameters, the app will look for a map with the geoview-map class. If a map is found, it will check if the map div element contains data-shared=”true”. If the data-shared value is true, it means that the map will load the configurations from the url search parameters, if multiple maps are loaded in the page and all of them have the data-shared attribute then all of those maps will use the same URL parameters config.
You can also provide a URL for a json file with the config object and pass it in the map div element in the data-config-url attribute. An example of this
The content of the config must match the schema, an example of the object in the json file:
"map": {
"interaction": "dynamic",
"viewSettings": {
"initialView": {
"zoomAndCenter": [12, [45, 75]]
"projection": 3978
"basemapOptions": {
"id": "transport",
"shaded": true,
"labeled": true
"listOfGeoviewLayerConfig": []
"theme": "",
"components": ["north-arrow"],
"corePackages": ["swiper"],
"externalPackages": []
You can also provide the same config above in the data-config attribute of the map div element as inline
An example of this:
'map': {
'interaction': 'dynamic',
'viewSettings': {
'projection': 3978
'basemapOptions': {
'basemapId': 'transport',
'shaded': false,
'labeled': true
'listOfGeoviewLayerConfig': [{
'geoviewLayerId': 'wmsLYR1',
'geoviewLayerName': 'earthquakes',
'metadataAccessPath': '',
'geoviewLayerType': 'esriDynamic',
'listOfLayerEntryConfig': [
'layerId': '0'
'components': ['overview-map'],
'footerBar': {
'tabs': {
'core': ['legend', 'layers', 'details', 'data-table']
'corePackages': [],
'theme': ''
Note: if you provides both data-config and data-config-url, in the same div element then the data-config configurations will overwrite the config coming from the json file
You can also provide the same config object in a function call after the init function has been called. The div need to exist on the map and the id pass to the function.
Note: the div MUST NOT have a geoview-map class or a warning will be shown
An example of this:
cgpv.init(function() {
map: {
interaction: 'dynamic',
viewSettings: {
zoomAndCenter: [12, [45, 75]],
projection: 3978
basemapOptions: {
basemapId: 'transport',
shaded: true,
labeled: true,
listOfGeoviewLayerConfig: [],
theme: 'dark',
components: ['north-arrow', 'overview-map'],
corePackages: ['swiper'],
externalPackages: []