
Using Zustand Store

We use Zustand store for our state management. We define a list of functions and concept to follow…. For this reason we have put together some explanations here to help you use store functionnalities when programming.

Characteristics to know when using the React and Zustand store

useStore hook for variable linked to UI and can be updated from another component.

useState hook for variable linked to UI and only referenced in your component.

useEffect hook

Store and ts files

No store leakage in ts file, always use the static method in the needed event processor ts file

   * Hide a click marker from the map
  clickMarkerIconHide(): void {

   * Show a marker on the map
   * @param {TypeClickMarker} marker the marker to add
  clickMarkerIconShow(marker: TypeClickMarker): void {
    MapEventProcessor.clickMarkerIconShow(this.mapId, marker);

event processor file

  // **********************************************************
  // Static functions for Typescript files to set store values
  // **********************************************************
  static clickMarkerIconHide(mapId: string) {
    const store = getGeoViewStore(mapId);

  static clickMarkerIconShow(mapId: string, marker: TypeClickMarker) {
    const store = getGeoViewStore(mapId);

store interface file

export interface IMapState {
  clickMarker: TypeClickMarker | undefined;

  actions: {
    hideClickMarker: () => void;
    showClickMarker: (marker: TypeClickMarker) => void;

export function initializeMapState(set: TypeSetStore, get: TypeGetStore) {
  const init = {
    clickMarker: undefined,

    actions: {
      hideClickMarker: () => {
          mapState: { ...get().mapState, clickMarker: undefined },
      showClickMarker: (marker: TypeClickMarker) => {
          mapState: { ...get().mapState, clickMarker: marker },

// **********************************************************
// Map state selectors
// **********************************************************
export const useMapClickMarker = () => useStore(useGeoViewStore(), (state) => state.mapState.clickMarker);

export const useMapStoreActions = () => useStore(useGeoViewStore(), (state) => state.mapState.actions);

component file

  // get values and actions from the store
  const clickMarker = useMapClickMarker();
  const { hideClickMarker, showClickMarker } = useMapStoreActions();

Store and components